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Legion D'Etrangers L'Airsoft is not affiliated to, or a member of, any other organisation or association.

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Welcome to the Home Page of the premier airsoft team:-

"Legion D'etrangers a L'Airsoft"

(Airsoft Foreign Legion)

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Legion D'Etrangers L'Airsoft

The name of the Team was inspired by the French Foreign Legion "Legion D'Etrangers". Our name is intended as a gesture of respect to a gallent unit of soldiers who have fought bravely all over the world.

In the early days of the Legion (it was formed in March 1831) it was not the respected elite unit it is now. It was apparently formed to soak up unemployed foreigners arriving in Paris and to provide manpower for overseas operations.

The early Legion was swamped by the numbers enrolling and early Legionaries gained a reputation for being unruly and fond of a drink. Some early courts martial for disorderly conduct had to be abandoned when it was discovered the Legionaries in question hadn't signed their enrollment papers yet. Early Legionaires were used as cheap labour expected to work and fight. When they were provided with mules to speed up their movements they got only half as many mules as men. The drill was that one Legionaire rode while another ran alongside holding onto the harness.

This is not a unit that was formed to be an elite unit. It didn't get all the best weapons or the pick of the officers. This unit got to be elite by surviving spirited attempts by just about everybody, including the French government on occasion, to kill it off.

These facts and the respect the Legion enjoys today drew us to the unit. We wanted to reflect the fact that Legion D'Etrangers a L'Airsoft is not well resourced, we don't have strict recruitment criteria, we may not be terribly well respected and military discipline is not a huge priority for us but we are open to all, regardless of Nationality, Race, Creed, Colour or, indeed, Location, we are loyal to other members of the unit, and we respect individual initiative.

The Beard

The French Foreign Legion is the only regular military unit we could find with a tradition of wearing a beard. Not the primary reason for choosing them but since there is at least one beard on the team...........

The Legion's Motto:-

"Legio Patria Nostra" means "The Legion is my Homeland"

Our Motto:-

"Report sur L'Airsoft" At present we don't number a single native French speaker in our team so the translation was done by a machine. Since we adopted it we have been offered a number of translations by human translators. The general meaning is something like "Forward to Airsoft" but there are others, some quite humourous.

We enjoy a joke but would like to point that the joke is on us - not the real Legion. We do not intend to poke fun at them in any way. Not least because they are all bigger and considerably more dangerous than us and THEY use REAL BULLETS which, we have it on good authority, hurt.

Other Pages

History of the French Foreign Legion
Uniforms and weapons
Photo Gallery
